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Emailing Jennifer Aniston

I received a rather odd email in my inbox today. It had a few authentic photos attached of Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox-Arquette and David Arquette at a babys Christening. The email urged you to read down to the bottom , through all the comments and FWD: FWD: FWD's to see who started it. The originator seems to be Jennifer Aniston herself, although the email address is missing.

It looks like I'm about 10 emails away from Ms Aniston, which gave me an odd thought. This email had reched me by being forwarded all around the world. I wondered if I could reverse the process to get an inane message back to the lady of Rachel fame.

So, I went through the mail figuring out who seems to have sent the message on to who, and constructed a chain-mail of sorts to get my message passed all the way back by the same route. Some of the people down at the bottom had addresses I could have mailed directly, but that would be cheating.....

I wonder if the message will ever get there?


Of course, this is a fake, however its a good job that I didnt post the attached pictures to this site :)


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