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Tricky Map

This game has pulled in CIty Block
Its a bit of a bugger for this comp since its HUGE and the 15 FP's will be very spread out.

I'm tempted to take Mechs, heavy on Hunters. Hunters are a bugger to hit, meaning that I can hopefully try to run down his ammo levels, and to make some quick Hit and Run sorties. The trouble is Hunters have low ammo anyway, and I have no HQ to reload them. Plus, if they run into a barrage of grenaders then they will be in serious trouble....

Decided to go for:-

  • 1 AI
  • 1 Scanner1
  • 5 Hunters
  • 4 XT's

General plan is to scout with the hunters, move the Scanner into a decent Scanning position and then see where that leaves me.....

1 Although this is reducing the amount of offensive units I have, I think the advance warning this unit gives me will make up for that


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