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Subbed player

Spaceman Spiff has has to sub in, as the original player has gone AWOL. Thats always a bit of a problem for leagues like this but hopefully things will be a little smoother from hereon in.

The map is Desert and I am deploying in the Green zone which really suits me a Greys. I know that Spiff has to deploy Spawn, so I can prepare for the attack.

I've been decimated as Spawn against greys whilst playing a game against Bill Brasky, so I'm adopting some good tactics I saw from him. Basically, I'm going to hole up in the bottom left corner of the map.

I've taken 2 Guardians, 1 Warper, 3 Psychers, 8 Sentries and 1 Regen. A bit risky only taking 1 Regen, and in hindsight I think I shopuld have placed another inside the bluewalled building with a few sentries as spotters. At least I could retreat there if necessary. However, I hope to keep from getting gooed up by my Guardians, and those 3 Psyckers are going to be very useful against Spawn. they do LOADS of damage to them in the current Data version (although I think they are going to be toned down a little.

From where I've deployed I can see a fair way around me, and there are not really any buildings to use as cover.

I need to be wary of Spikers a little, and need to stop my Sentries from wasting their ammo shooting as distant units.

Hopefully I'll drag him into close combat and melt his brains with my psyckers. Lets see....


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