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RSS Feed Changes

I've made a couple of changes to the RSS feed for this site. I'm redirecting it through a service called FeedBurner, so I can see exactly how many people aren't reading it.

I've set up a few redirects so if you are currently using the RSS feed to keep tabs on this page then you shouldnt have to do anything....

If you have never heard of RSS Feeds and are wondering what its all about then take a quick peek at this page . They give you a brief bit of info on what it is, and what its used for. They mention a few programs you can use as RSS Readers.

Personally I use FeedDemon but it isnt free. I used to use FeedReader which IS free.

The Feed for this page is http://www.boringbutgood.com/blog/index.xml . You can put that link into your RSS Reader to keep tabs on this site.

Happy NewsReading!



What do you put in your feed to make it redirect to feedburner. I know that it's an http redirect but I have no idea how to do this in a xml file Please let me know or point me to a place that explains this. Thanks!!!!

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