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Game over

Victory! The commander took a few steps closer before opening fire on my troops. That gave my AI time to get a couple of shots off, one of which connected and took out the commander. The Hunter had also come out round the back so I think the Commander would have been taken out even if my AI hadn't done the job.

The grenader didnt have any ammo left, so its game over to me!

There were a few hairy moments in that one, I thought I was going to get overrun when I pushed on up into his midst. I think the position of my Scanner really helped me out as I could see pretty much everyone of his troops from an early position, meaning my orders could be plotted with much more information.

Final Score 13 : 5

That also means that I've one win and one loss in the Guerilla League. Lets see what next month brings.

You can download my wholegame here


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