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Now, I know I've said this a few items before, but this time I really do know where his HQ is!

Firstly, I've seen pretty much all of his deployable areas over on the right side of the map. Secondly, I've spotted his last grenader legging it towards the blue military bunker in the bottom left. Thats a deployable area, so it must have an HQ in it.

I'm sending a sentry to stand by the doorway. It will get a good look inside, and will also take a few potshots at whatever is inside.

Did I say last grenader? Yes, as I managed to warp his other grenader on the last turn. I also destroyed the original HQ, taking the score to 17-1. That means he has 8 points remaining.

I know he has 1 more Grenader, 1 grunt and 1 Commander. He must have a HQ in the blue bunker, as why else would he be legging it that way. He cant have another HQ over on the right, or why would he run the grenader halfway across the map to rearm?

That means he either has another grunt or more likely a medic. I'll know for sure when I see the other Commander as I injured him pretty badly the first time I saw him.

Im pretty confident of winning right now, I'll be 100% certain once I've taken out that other grenader and HQ. Grenades do far too much damage to the fragile Grey shields.


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