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Even match....?

According to the League stats we are pretty evenly matched. I stand to gain 11 points for a win, but we all know thats subject to change. I dont think there is much chance of a draw on as small a map as this......

The map is Stronghold, its a Wipeout Game and its a 20 point 60 day game. I'm deploying in the Blue area.

I did give some thought to going with Greys on this map, as all those military walls would give them some good cover and allow the recently cheapened Psychers to get into some good protected locations. However, its only a 20 point game which would mean having to deploy a relatively small army.

I decided to go with Mechs, utilising an AI and a bunch of hunters at the bottom deployment zone, a couple of hunters deployed in the top left, a HQ outside the complex on the left, 1 scanner and the remainder of my points as XT's over on the left on the map.

My general plan was to whizz hunters to the top left and bottom right corners of the map, to hopefully spot the enemy, and maybe get some good shots in while my opponenets are busy getting into position. I'll move the scanner into a good spot towards the middle and give cover with the XT's.

I decided agaisnt a MT as I dont think it'll come into play much since all the walls are indestructable.


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