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Damn Stubborn Walls!

Those walls were hard to takedown!

I'm finishing off the demolition job and the regening the Saucers to be on the safe side.

I'm moving one of the saucers near to the warper thats about to fire. Thats in case there is some nasty incoming warps from that direction and he needs to use the Saucers under-used Portable Regen ability.

The warper in question is sending two warps through the window and then I am plotting a movement order to take him away from there. If his energy drops due to an attack then he'll automatically start to leg it. Also, I made sure that if all goes well the warper is moving at the end of the turn. The reason for this is so that if he gets psyched then he wont have any time with 360 degree vision. That means that my opponent wont see the Saucer nearby as I've order the warper to move away from him.

Sneaky, eh?


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