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A bit of intel

The early strike paid off quite well. I managed to psyche a medic in the adjacent room, who spotted a grenader and grunt. The grenader sent a few shots my way, which took out a few walls, but ultimately ended up bouncing the grenade back into his own deployment zone. Whoops.

It didnt matter too much as the warp blast I sent in netted me 4 points, one of which being the medic who was acting as my eyes.

I've seen more grenades coming out of another window in that same room, but dont think they could have been fired by the same grenader. More psyches and warps needed in there I think.

I've also seen a sniper and medic head into the small building right at the top left of the map.

Unfortunately my retreat regen has been found, and is almost dead. This certainly is an instant action game! There were lots of grenade explosions round there as well. Judging by how often that regen got damaged I'd say it had to be done by a Commander. That places 5 FPs at least on that side of the map, 3 at least in the bunker up top, another 2 at least for the extra grenader in the adjacent room and I've killed 4 FPs already. Thats 14 points I've accounted for so far out of 25. I'll assume there is a HQ around somewhere for those grenaders.....

I dont think there is much I can do about that regen, I'll just have to try to score more points in the next few turns to make up for it. The trouble is that both my remaining regens are very close together, so I dont really have anywhere to hide. I'll have to try to be careful with energy....


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