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Relaxing Comments

I've decided to loosen the commenting restriction on this site. Now, unregistered commenters will get their comments listed immediately, they will no longer be moderated until I approve them. I want to make it easier for people to comment here, mainly because no-one is :'(

I have set up some anti-spam scripts so if any of those nasty spammers get hold of the site I can deal with most of it automatically.

Ideally you should probably get a free Typekey account but if you don't fancy that then you can now comment without restriction. You will still need to enter an email address, but it will not be displayed on the site.



Ohh, just thought I'd try your relaxed comments things...really don't go in for reading blogs

Well, whaddaya know!

It works!

I'm shortly about to unleash the short game write-up for my game against Brokk. Keep 'em peeled!

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