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Movable Type

Lo there!

Welcome to my blog. I''ve been looking at a few different blogging sites of late as I've decided that I'd like to start one up. god knows why anyone would want to read it, but hey, it passes the time if nothing else.

I had a brief flirtation with LiveJournal but decided that I'd like to be able to customise the interface a little more than seemed possible (at least with a free account) . One thing that LJ had going for it was some of the tools people had created for it, particularly Semagic. It seemed a great tool for remotely publishing blog entries, although I could never get the font preferences to 'stick' properly.

Then I took a look at Movable Type style blogs. MT and LJ are all run by the same company. I like the idea of having Trackback enabled so I can see just how many people are completely ignoring this page. I also like the myriad of plugins available and the fact hat if I can be bothered I can completely change my page layout.

It also seemed that my current webhost included everything I needed to run MT as part of my basic hosting package so I thought "Why not give it a try".

I uploaded all the files as described by the docs, edited a couple of files and knock-me-down-with-a-feather it blimming well worked! Get in there!

So, this is now my new home. I'll be posting odds-and-sods and I'm hoping to get a few run throughs of particularly interesting LSN games, cos that should get the readers in!


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